5 solid reasons to move to Australia


1.  Fresh, clean air 

Australia has one of the lowest air pollution levels in the world, making it an optimal place for everyone and anyone who is concerned about their health.  

2. Climate

Don't be fooled by the images of deserts and hot summers here, Australia actually has a temperate climate with relatively mild weather all year round- with a generous supply of sunshine. 

But don't be fooled!  UV rays down there can do some serious damage to your skin if you're not careful.  Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and even just half an hour of direct exposure to the sun (even if it's a little chilly) can lead to a very nasty burn.  As any Aussie will tell you; you can still get burnt on a cloudy day- so be sure to cover up! 

3. The never ending opportunities to explore the great outdoors

Australia has a vast variety of gorgeous natural ecosystems- From the sandy beaches with clean water to tropical rainforests to deserts and snowy mountains, you can have it all! Here you can enjoy 500 national parks and 14 world heritage areas.

4. Multicultural Society

Australia is without a doubt a melting pot of different cultures.  If you're looking to emerse yourself in a culture that is inclusive of different cultures look no further than the country of Australia. 43% of Australians were either born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas, and even have a national holiday to celebrate diversity (Harmony Day). 

5. Economic growth and job opportunities

Australians pride themselves on perfecting a work-life balance- and with good reason.  YOu won't find better working conditions anywhere in the world.  With a booming economy and low unemployment rate (around 5%) Australia is a good place to find a new job.

Take automation for example, which is projected to add 22 TRILLION dollars to the Australian economy by 2030. More on that HERE

and HERE

7. Laid back lifestyle

It's not secret the Australians have a reputation for their easy going nature and laid back lifestyle. When you're in a country where surf is always up and breakfast is king, it's hard to imagine why anyone would live their lives unhappy there.  Sounds like heaven, doesn't it?



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